22 November 2008

National War Museum

One thing I forgot to mention about my post about the lobster game is that it's the funnest game in the world, the Lobsters try to run out of the way and they struggle with the claw and do amazing back flips out of it. Until they get tired of life and just sit there.

This group of photos documents the trip I made to the National War Museum, lot's of things to do and see and I'd recommend it. Much better then the National Museum in my opinion.

Here we have the National War Museum

Doxa Dive Watch, as seen on Dirk Pitt

Part of the Pilot Survival kit

Thanking the UN Forces that kept The Republic Free of Commie Tyranny

The Whole Display

Monument to the two Koreas expressing hope that they'll reunite some day

The Outside of the museum is a gigantic display; Planes, trucks, swamp boats, and semi submarines




Another monument, this one is right in front of the museum





Swamp Boat ROK

And a DPRK Semisub, used by the North to do nefarious deeds

1 comment:

  1. I wish the "UN Thankyou" read a like a cross between itself and the "junction produce VIPCAR" advert.

    We coordinate group of republic wish aggressive thank yous full of sensibility for the tradition of which such asterity, and elegance with which fought us from communist rambunciousnus. We truly want this to be only the first and last memory keeper of war events from everlasting to everlasting.
