12 October 2009

Incheon Global Fair

Didn't take a whole lot of pictures, then again there weren't a whole lot of things to take pictures of. Large sections of the fair devoted to booths on how Korea is planning on dealing with nuclear waste and the gas company on one side of the fair. Tourist information booths for different countries and regions of Korea on the other. The Gem of the fair was a section filled with booths selling all kinds of food from around the world. If you go, avoid the official food courts and check out the small stands.

Some things that stood out were . . .

Giant Robots

Astro Boy

A Kite Eating Tree

An Old Motorcycle

It was marked Indian but made by a Japanese company if I remember right.

The Trojan Horse

And a 'Vehicle Prohibited' sign
(It's okay if you have more then one)

Incheon central park across from the fair grounds.

1 comment:

  1. Military pilot who had sex with an 11 year old boy when he was a 17 year-old virgin!!! A JUNIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL WHO HAD SEX WITH AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT!!! He needs to be on a sexual preditor list.
    How long did this pedophile masterbate and think about having sex with this pre-pubescent child? In boot camp? Into his flight training? 20, 25 YEARS OLD??? OLDER???
    "Creepy rotten grape attached to an otherwise normal bunch."
    He was never was very smart. He didn't figure out how prostitution worked until he was in the military:::
    You don't want to pay someone to LET you suck HIS dick. You should have waited for the child to suck YOUR dick before you let him drive your car.

    He's not in therapy. He'd rather be sick and celebrate his illness. He could get free counseling from a psychiatrist at the VA.
